Text-to-Image, Big Tech Profitability, Chip Making

Greetings, fellow AI aficionados! 🤖 Welcome to your weekly dose of artificial intelligence news and updates. Grab some popcorn because things are about to get interesting.

11th Edition

What are the top text-to-image generators? 🖼️

In the previous installment, we briefly discussed text-to-image creation and the new DALL-E. Let's spend more time discussing the three big players in the fast-evolving text-to-image services.

In 2022, we witnessed the meteoric rise of commercial text-to-image AI services such as DALL-EMidjourney, and Stable Diffusion. If you have tried your hands on text-to-image creation, you would likely have used one of these tools. But wait a minute - which one to use for your requirements?

Source: LinkedIn Learning - What is Generative AI?

This text-to-image generation technology has unlocked tremendous creative potential for artists, designers, content creators, and more. The systems keep improving, too - look at how far DALL-E and Stable Diffusion have come in image quality and capability in a short timeframe. While the models are still developing, it's a fascinating time for harnessing AI to realize our visual imaginations.

Are tech giants profiting from AI generators yet? 💰

With the hype around generative AI, one may assume the tech giants are profiting handsomely. But the reality is more complex. These systems require substantial computing resources - lots of expensive hardware and power.

According to the Wall Street Journal reporting, Microsoft is losing over $20 per user per month on GitHub Copilot, their code-generating service. OpenAI also remains unprofitable. The business models are still maturing.

Companies are exploring tactics like usage caps and price increases for AI-enhanced products. However, the costs of developing and running these systems remain high. We're still in the early days of figuring out how to make generative AI commercially viable at scale. Watching how sustainable business models evolve as AI advances will be fascinating.

Will AI firms start making their chips? 🧠⚙️

The AI boom has led to skyrocketing demand for graphics chips from suppliers like NVIDIA. But chip shortages are hindering many tech giants reliant on AI progress.

In response, companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Meta are exploring developing their custom AI chips. In-house manufacturing allows them to optimize hardware for their models versus relying on generic GPUs. It also reduces supply chain vulnerabilities. However, designing chips is complex and expensive.

The potential benefits are massive, though. Tailored AI hardware could significantly accelerate training and inference. As computing becomes the critical bottleneck, expect more vertical integration and custom silicon efforts. An "AI chip war" seems to be brewing as firms aim for self-sufficiency amid surging AI needs.

That's a wrap on this week's AI updates! Until next time, stay curious and keep your eyes on the future. 👀 The march of artificial intelligence is just getting started.